Travel Safely and Flexibly | Budget Car Rental

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{{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.firstName}} {{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.lastName}}
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We are closely monitoring the guidance of the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control regarding COVID-19.  Our focus is to ensure we meet your needs while doing our part to keep you, our employees, and our communities safe.


Here’s what we’re doing

  • We enhanced the techniques used to clean our vehicles after each rental.  In particular, we are paying special attention to interior customer touch points such as seats, steering wheels, door handles and other hard surfaces.
  • We are also cleaning our facilities frequently with recommended sanitizing products.
  • In addition, we are taking steps to ensure the welfare of our employees.  This includes instructing employees who feel ill to stay home and consult their healthcare providers.   We are also urging all employees to be vigilant about frequent hand washing.


Changing or cancelling your reservation

If you have an existing reservation, we look forward to seeing you and want to reassure you that we are doing everything we can to promote a safe and secure rental experience.  If you need to change a reservation, you can do so without incurring any change fees.  


Reserving Flexibly

To travel with complete flexibility, choose “Pay Later” when making a reservation on, and you may cancel or modify your reservation any time with no additional fees incurred.


Staying connected

During this challenging time, many people are choosing alternative transportation solutions.  If you need a rental car, we are here for you.  For any inquiries, please call us at (866) 729-0770.  To read frequently asked questions, click here. Your safety is our highest priority and we truly appreciate the trust that you place in our team and our company.


Returning safely

If a customer is impacted by COVID during their rental period, they should contact customer service at 1-800-354-2847. The agents will provide further information on available options of safely extending the contract and/or returning the car.