7 Classic Road Trip Games for Your Family | Budget Rent a Car

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At the start of a road trip, the excitement of enjoying snacks and diving into playlists makes the miles fly. But when those pleasures have lost their luster, you can recapture the joy of the journey by playing some car games. Keep this list of timeless road trip games handy on your next adventure.

License Plate Game

Make sure to begin playing this game at the start of your trip, especially if you’ll be passing through several states. The goal is to see and “claim” license plates from as many states as possible. The catch? Each state can only be claimed once. To earn points, call out the state name anytime you see a plate from a new state. At the end of the trip, whoever spotted the most state plates wins. Good luck finding Alaska and Hawaii!

20 Questions

Test the creativity of your crew with this guessing game. One person thinks of a person, place, thing, or animal. Asking only yes or no questions, the other players try to figure out the mystery object. If they fail to guess the answer within 20 questions, the person wins.

I Spy

This game makes everyone look up and enjoy the surroundings. The clue-giver names an attribute of something they’ve just seen. For example, “I spy with my little eyes something that is green.” Clue-getters then ask yes or no questions until they’ve named the described object. Add variation to each round by picking objects based on color, size, and other common qualities.

Make a Story Game

When the scenery outside feels less than inspiring, this game gets your creativity flowing. Every person takes a turn adding a single sentence to the story. The game keeps going until the story reaches a natural conclusion. You’ll be surprised how many miles you can cover while coming up with wacky stories!

Alphabet Game

This game is ideal when you’re stuck in traffic or passing lots of billboards. Everyone scans objects outside the car for letters of the alphabet, and you have to find them in order. Play as a team and try to beat the clock, or score points individually and try to find more letters than the other passengers. If you’ve played through the alphabet forward a few times, try going from Z to A.

Counting Game

You need at least three people to play this game. It sounds simple, but it can be surprisingly tricky. The game starts when one person says “one.” Another player must then say “two” and so on—but if two players say the same number at the same time, you have to start again at one. Can you make it all the way to 20 (or higher)?

Category Game

Once you’ve mastered the alphabet game, take your ABCs to the next level. The players choose a category, such as animals, instruments, or foods. On your turn, you have 30 seconds to name an item from the category. For example, if the first player said “apples,” you might say “bananas” or “bread” or “bagels.” If you can’t think of something to fit your assigned letter, you’re out and the next player has to try. Last player standing wins!

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