Rent a Car at Washington Union Train Station

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Washington Union Train Station (X4C)


99 H St NE,
Washington, DC, District Of Columbia, 20002, United States


(1) 202-289-5374

Horario de servicio:

Sun - Sat 9:00 AM - 4:45 PM

Holiday Hours:

CHRISTMAS EVE   December  24  07:00AM - 02:45PM
CHRISTMAS DAY   December  25  closed
NEW YEARS EVE   December  31  07:00AM - 02:45PM

NEW YEARS DAY   January  1  closed
THANKSGIVING   November  27  closed


Información sobre la oficina

One of the country’s busiest train stations, 32 million travelers pass through Washington DC’s Union Station each year. Many more people visit Union Station to shop or dine at one of the many restaurants, cafes, and stores.

The station is one of the Northeast’s major transportation hubs. Ten Amtrak lines stop at the station, as do MARC (Maryland Area Regional Commuter) and VRE (Virginia Railway Express) trains, and the Washington Metro Red Line. Maryland and DC Metrobus, BoltBus, Greyhound, Peter Pan, and Megabus all stop at DC Union Station as well. In 2012, Amtrak announced a long-term plan to improve the station, renovating the station and great increasing capacity.

Once you arrive in DC, renting a car at Union Station is easy. A dedicated Union Station Budget office provides great deals on a wide range of premium rental cars. From sedans to minivans, Budget has cars perfect for every trip. Whether you’re traveling for business or enjoying a family vacation, accessories like GPS and child safety seats help customize your rental.

Renting a car near Union Station is incredibly convenient thanks to Budget’s Smart Services and One-Click Booking feature. For added efficiency use our Fastbreak program to skip the lines and head straight to your car. Get great deals on rental cars near DC’s Union Station today.

Servicio Fastbreak
Diríjase al mostrador de alquiler de Budget. Muestre su licencia de conducir e identifíquese como miembro de Fastbreak. El agente de alquiler de Budget le proporcionará el contrato preimpreso y las llaves.
Direcciones generales
MOSTRADOR: Se encuentra en la estación ferroviaria Union Station. El mostrador de alquiler está en el interior de la terminal.
VEHÍCULOS: Se encuentra en el lado de “H” St. de la estación ferroviaria.
DEVOLUCIONES: Igual que el retiro.
DEVOLUCIONES FUERA DEL HORARIO DE SERVICIO: No disponible. El Aeropuerto Nacional Reagan está abierto hasta más tarde. Los vehículos pueden ser devueltos en DCA durante su horario de atención.

Terms and Conditions

Términos y condiciones