Rent a Car at Centro de Baton Rouge

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Centro de Baton Rouge (ZJ2)


5760 Siegen Lane,
Baton Rouge, LA, Louisiana, 70809, United States


(1) 225-293-3471

Location Type:


Horario de servicio:

Sun 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM; Mon - Fri 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Sat 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Holiday Hours:

THANKSGIVING   November  28  closed
CHRISTMAS DAY   December  25  closed

NEW YEARS DAY   January  1  closed

Free pickup service available


Información sobre la oficina

If you plan to travel to the historic and thriving town of Baton Rouge, the downtown area has several great sites. There is the Louisiana State Capitol, the tallest state capitol building in the nation, the Old Governor's Mansion and Louisiana's Old State Capitol. Moreover, the city boasts several museums, a water park and a zoo for the whole family to enjoy. Travel to all these places in a stylish and comfortable Budget car rental from Siegen Lane.

Whether you need a full-size vehicle that seats up to seven people, a stylish mid-size sedan or a fuel-efficient compact car, we have a huge variety of comfortable car rentals to suit your needs. Additionally, our Siegen Lane location includes moving trucks and cargo vans to help you relocate. We also offer a host of accessories and options for your driving pleasure such as GPS navigation, ski racks, a DVD player and satellite radio. When you take advantage of our Baton Rouge rental car deal by booking your car online, you'll receive up to 30 percent savings.

If you're a baseball fan, hop in one of our Baton Rouge car rentals and take in a baseball game at the city's Alex Box Stadium. If you prefer more of the great outdoors, drive over to Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center and enjoy wildlife and scenic walking trails. At Siegen Lane Baton Rouge, we'll make it possible for you to conveniently visit the city's major attractions during your stay. Since the Budget on Siegen Lane is only about 6 miles from the heart of the city, places like Ruth's Chris Steakhouse and other fine dining establishments are just right around the corner. Book your rental car reservation today to ensure that you can see all the sites you want to.

Servicio Fastbreak
Diríjase al mostrador de alquiler de Budget. Muestre su licencia de conducir e identifíquese como miembro de Fastbreak. El agente de alquiler de Budget le proporcionará el contrato preimpreso y las llaves.
Direcciones generales
MOSTRADOR: Se encuentra en Siegen Lane cerca de Superior Bait y Tackle. VEHÍCULOS: En el sitio. DEVOLUCIONES: Igual que el retiro. DEVOLUCIONES FUERA DEL HORARIO DE SERVICIO: No disponible. El vehículo de alquiler se debe devolver durante el horario de oficina.

Terms and Conditions

Términos y condiciones