Rent a Car at Austin - Walmart (en el interior)

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Nota: Las tarifas se calculan con base en los detalles que usted proporcione. Algunas modificaciones pueden cambiar su tarifa, de ser así, volverá aparecer la página Selección de vehículos.

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Austin - Walmart (en el interior) (AU1)


13201 FM 620 North,
Austin, TX, Texas, 78729, United States


(1) 512-331-8593

Horario de servicio:

Sun 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM; Mon - Fri 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM; Sat 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Holiday Hours:

EASTER   April  20  closed
MEMORIAL DAY   May  26  closed
INDEPENDENCE DY   July  4  closed
LABOR DAY   September  1  closed
THANKSGIVING DY   November  27  closed
CHRISTMAS EVE   December  24  08:00AM - 12:00PM
CHRISTMAS DAY   December  25  closed
NEW YEARS EVE   December  31  08:00AM - 12:00PM

NEW YEARS DAY   January  1  closed


Información sobre la oficina

If you are taking a family vacation in Austin, Budget Rent a Car on the FM 620 North can provide you with a vehicle that will make your trip more convenient and enjoyable. This city, which is the capital of Texas, has a lot to offer people who want to take in the many cultural and historic attractions. Austin car rentals ensure that you get to visit all of the sights that interest you at your own convenience.
 After picking up your vehicle at FM 620 in North Austin, you'll be able to see sights such as the famous State Capitol, the LBJ Presidential Library and Bullock Texas State History Museum. For dinner, you can enjoy some authentic regional cooking, the best Mexican cuisine and many international styles of food. This city is also famous for its live music scene, so be sure to check out some clubs at night. Rental cars provide you with the freedom to see everything this unique area has to offer.

 At the Budget Car Rental FM 620 North location, you'll be able to find the size and style of car that is just right for your trip. If you have kids, you may want to rent a high performance SUV that has extra trunk space, air conditioning and AM/FM stereo. There are also plenty of smaller and mid-sized vehicles to choose from as well. Budget FM 620 North has a large selection of car rentals to choose from. To find the best Austin rental car deal, simply reserve your car online and head over to FM 620 North as soon as you arrive in town.

Direcciones generales
MOSTRADOR: Dentro de la tienda de Wal-Mart cerca de la intersección de Hwy 183 y FM 620.
VEHÍCULOS: En el sitio.
DEVOLUCIONES: Igual que el retiro.
Devolución fuera de horas laborales
El vehículo de alquiler se debe devolver durante el horario de oficina.
NOTA: Algunas oficinas pudieran tener una caja para llaves disponible. Si el cliente decide dejar el vehículo, será responsable del vehículo y todos los cargos (incluidos los daños que pueda sufrir el vehículo durante el horario fuera de atención) hasta que se pueda cerrar el contrato al siguiente día hábil.
Si la oficina no tiene caja para dejar llaves, se debe a que la misma no permite devoluciones después del horario de cierre. El cliente no debe dejar las llaves dentro del vehículo. El cliente deberá pagar una tarifa para que un cerrajero abra el vehículo.

Terms and Conditions

Términos y condiciones