Rent a Car at Centro de Sacramento (na E Street)

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Centro de Sacramento (na E Street) (S3C)


500 12th St,
Sacramento, CA, California, 95814, United States


(1) 916-688-9114

Location Type:


Horário de funcionamento:

Sun 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM; Mon - Fri 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM; Sat 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Horário de feriado:

THANKSGIVING DY   Novembro  28  closed
THANKSGVING HDY   Novembro  29  09:00AM - 12:00PM
CHRISTMAS EVE   Dezembro  24  09:00AM - 12:00PM
CHRISTMAS DAY   Dezembro  25  closed
NEW YEARS EVE   Dezembro  31  09:00AM - 12:00PM

NEW YEARS DAY   Janeiro  1  closed

Serviço de retirada gratuito disponível


Informações sobre a loja

Sacramento car rentals are essential to ensuring that you get the most out of your visit to California because the city is so large and there is so much to do. The capital of California, Sacramento is home to the fourth largest metropolitan area in the state and boasts a number of places to visit and things to do and wonderful weather year-round. The Budget Rent a Car 12th Street is located near the center of the city, making it an excellent location to get a Sacramento rental car deal. Budget 12th Street is just minutes away from Interstate 5 and Interstate 80 Business. If you're traveling with your family and need lots of storage space, consider renting an SUV. Smaller groups who visit the 12th Street location might look for 2-door compact or full-size sedan rental cars.From 12th Street in Sacramento, you can head to the Convention Center Complex, the State Railroad Museum or take a Steam-Powered Excursion Train Ride. The state has an enormous amount of natural beauty, and although the city isn't on the coast, it is close to the American and Sacramento Rivers. There are a number of parks in the area, including the Fremont Park, Southside Park and Sutter's Landing Regional Park, which are wonderful places for enjoying the outdoors. To make your Budget Car Rental 12th Street pickup as quick and easy as possible, sign up for Fastbreak. Fastbreak allows you to save your rental preferences and signature ahead of time so you can flash your license, grab your keys and go. Visit to book your next trip.

Serviço Fastbreak
Prossiga para o balcão de locação da Budget. Mostre sua carteira de habilitação e identifique-se como membro do Fastbreak. O agente de locação da Budget fornecerá a você o contrato pré-impresso e as chaves.
Instruções gerais
BALCÃO: Localizada na esquina da 12th Street e da “E” Street. CARROS: No local DEVOLUÇÕES: Igual à retirada. DEVOLUÇÕES ALÉM DO HORÁRIO: Indisponível. Os veículos podem ser devolvidos ao SMF.

Terms and Conditions

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