Rent a Car at Aeroporto Internacional de Bradley (BDL)

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Observação: As tarifas são calculadas com base nas informações fornecidas. Alterações podem mudar sua tarifa e, caso isso aconteça, a página Escolha de Automóvel será reexibida.

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Aeroporto Internacional de Bradley (BDL)


180 Schoephoester Rd,
Windsor Locks, CT, Connecticut, 06096, United States


(1) 860-627-3700

Horário de funcionamento:

Sun - Sat 6:00 AM - 1:00 AM

Caso esteja vindo de avião, o balcão de locação está dentro do terminal, a uma curta distância do estacionamento.


Informações sobre a loja

Budget Car Rental provides complimentary shuttle service from Bradley International Airport (BDL) to its BDL car rental lot, so you’ll be able to pick up your vehicle and venture out into lovely Hartford in no time. You can rest assured that you’ll find the right vehicle for your trip at Budget—our vast selection of airport car rentals ranges from SUVs and luxury cars to compacts and hybrids.

The capital of Connecticut, Hartford is the largest inland city in the state. Known as the Insurance Capital of the World, it’s home to the corporate headquarters of six leading insurance companies.

The gold leaf domed State Capitol Building is both a handsome sight and a historical landmark. Mark Twain’s family home is also a popular attraction here. A guided tour of the 18-room mansion takes fans through the rooms of the house Twain described as having “a heart, and a soul, and eyes to see us with,” and where he was said to have spent his happiest and most productive years. Right next door is the more modest home of Harriet Beecher Stowe, who penned Uncle Tom’s Cabin and 30 other novels.

Bushnell Park is the nation’s oldest publically funded park and offers a healthy respite from the bustling city surrounding it. The Wadsworth Atheneum is one of the oldest museums still operating in the United States. It houses an impressive 50,000 pieces of art and has just undergone extensive renovations. These and other great spots are yours to discover in something from Budget’s fleet of Bradley International Airport rental cars.

For great deals on Hartford airport car rentals, and excellent service on either end of your stay in Connecticut, choose Budget. And don't forget to sign up for the Fastbreak program.

Serviço Fastbreak
Fora da área de retirada de bagagens, siga pela estrada até o centro de transportes, até a linha do balcão Budget Fastbreak. Apresente uma identificação e receba o seu contrato de locação. O representante do balcão fornecerá as instruções para o carro.
Instruções gerais
BALCÃO: Saia do terminal, no andar de baixo, passando pela retirada de bagagens, pela estrada até o centro de transportes. A Budget está localizada no segundo andar. VEÍCULOS: Localizado na linha de prontidão, no segundo piso da central de transportes. DEVOLUÇÃO: Siga as placas do aeroporto para a devolução do automóveis alugados. DEVOLUÇÕES ALÉM DO HORÁRIO: Os clientes podem devolver suas locações no Aeroporto Internacional Budget Bradley a qualquer momento, pois a Budget tem devoluções 24 horas. Estacione e tranque o veículo. Coloque o contrato completo e as chaves na caixa de entrega de chaves. Lembre-se de levar seus pertences pessoais com você.
DRIVERS CIRCLE Ao chegar, prossiga para fora do terminal, no piso inferior, pela esteira de retirada de bagagens, do outro lado da estrada, até o centro de transporte. A Budget está localizada no segundo piso. O gerente ou pessoa responsável terá seu contrato pronto e o levará pessoalmente ao veículo.
Devoluções além do horário
Customers can return their rentals at Budget Bradley International Airport any time, Budget has 24 hour returns. Park & lock the car. Place the completed contract & the keys in the key drop box. Remember to take your personal belongings with you.

Terms and Conditions

Termos e condições