Rent a Car at Hotel Days Inn

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Hotel Days Inn (WD5)


4400 Connecticut Ave NW,
(rear of Days Inn), Washington, DC, District Of Columbia, 20008, United States


(1) 202-686-2890

Horário de funcionamento:

Sun 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Mon 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Tue - Thu 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Fri 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Sat 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Horário de feriado:

CHRISTMAS EVE   Dezembro  24  08:00AM - 01:00PM
CHRISTMAS DAY   Dezembro  25  closed
NEW YEARS EVE   Dezembro  31  08:00AM - 01:00PM

NEW YEARS DAY   Janeiro  1  closed
EASTER   Abril  20  closed
MEMORIAL DAY   Maio  26  closed
INDEPENDENCE DY   Julho  4  closed
LABOR DAY   Setembro  1  closed
THANKSGIVING DY   Novembro  27  closed
THANKSGVNG HLDY   Novembro  28  08:00AM - 01:00PM


Informações sobre a loja

Well-equipped Washington car rentals are essential to exploring the city. The neighborhoods around the White House, National Mall, Kennedy Center and other landmarks are known for their one-way streets and irregular layouts. For many travelers, Budget car rentals that include modern features like GPS are the only things keeping vacations moving along smoothly. 

Most families find it much simpler to lodge on the outskirts of the city, and the Budget at Days Inn Hotel makes it easy to travel through the suburbs without really worrying about the urban rush hour. The Days Inn Hotel D.C. location is close enough to Bethesda, Silver Spring and Interstate 495 that you can enjoy the parks and forests of Maryland, but it's not so far from downtown that you can't drive or ride to the National Zoo from nearby Van Ness Metro station.

The Budget car rental Days Inn Hotel lot specializes in vehicles made for city travel, but there's nothing stopping you from picking up an SUV or a comfy luxury ride for a day trip out to the coast. You can even drive one of our rugged vehicles deep into Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains for a hike in the iconic Shenandoah Valley. 

Our Days Inn Hotel location also features family-friendly Washington rental car deals that make it easy to save on rental cars and travel costs like fuel. Let our knowledgeable Washington staff know when you're scheduling your next epic vacation, and ask about the specials that might help you complete your travel checklist more affordably. Book soon to lock in great rates and experience more of Washington, D.C.

Serviço Fastbreak
Prossiga para o balcão de locação da Budget. Mostre sua carteira de habilitação e identifique-se como membro do Fastbreak. O agente de locação da Budget fornecerá a você o contrato pré-impresso e as chaves.
Instruções gerais
BALCÃO: A partir da I-495, pegue a saída 33 para a Connecticut Avenue. Siga as placas para Chevy Chase. Mantenha-se na Connecticut Avenue, por meio da rotatória. Vire à direita na Yuma Street. A loja fica atrás do Days Inn. VEÍCULOS: No local, estacionados do lado de fora do escritório. DEVOLUÇÃO: Igual à retirada. DEVOLUÇÕES ALÉM DO HORÁRIO: Indisponível. O veículo alugado deve ser devolvido durante o horário da loja.

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